Risk Management

The core of any profitable trader’s strategy is how he/she sizes positions and manages calculated risk. We provide the knowledge to determine your optimum position size, as well as educate you on how to grow and develop your own personalized money management strategy. Learn from our extensive experience with money management. Don’t ever want to risk blowing your account out? We don’t want you too either, and that’s why we start and end with risk management.

Crypto Gems

Our team of profitable traders analyze and present you all small market cap cryptocurrencies with big percentage potential. Additionally, we further explain which coins are unique and the technology behind them that can lead to mass adoption. Be one of the first traders to notified about gem entries.

Market News & Updates

We generate the latest cryptocurrency news, market updates and blockchain updates. Additionally, we offer tutorials about all the new technologies implented in cryptocurrencies and DeFi Protocols. Exchanges, wallets, dApps are also covered.

Technical Indicators

Any good trading strategy is based upon significant technical indicators. In addition to supplying you with our access to our course, we also teach you how to objectively measure the effectiveness of any technical indicator for the purposes of locating solid trading opportunity.

Trading Psychology

Learning a new skill can at times be mentally frustrating and difficult. Not only is our entire team here to assist you in this process, but we also teach the the fundamentals of the Psychology of Trading. Get away from taking trades based off emotions and start trading like the top 1%. We can guide you to a greater level of success. Our team of Traders and Analysts lead by example, hopefully to inspire you towards a higher level of personal & financial development.

Fundamental Trading Knowledge

With our course, you will learn the fundamental aspects of what makes the markets move and most important, how to properly react. You will also learn the differences between horizontal levels, psychological levels, and diagonal levels and which ones constitute important aspects of our market, and which are pure noise.


Duis a est tincidunt, consectetur ex id, mollis tellus. Mauris feugiat elit nec sem
pelntesque egestas at non ante ut molestie.


Business in usa ?

Ut pharetra eros a venenatis lacinia. Cum sociis natbus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus msent finibus lectus ac ornare maximus.


Taxation Expatriates

Ut pharetra eros a venenatis lacinia. Cum sociis natbus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus msent finibus lectus ac ornare maximus.


Transfer Pricing

Ut pharetra eros a venenatis lacinia. Cum sociis natbus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus msent finibus lectus ac ornare maximus.


Business in usa ?

Ut pharetra eros a venenatis lacinia. Cum sociis natbus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus msent finibus lectus ac ornare maximus.


Taxation Expatriates

Ut pharetra eros a venenatis lacinia. Cum sociis natbus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus msent finibus lectus ac ornare maximus.


Transfer Pricing

Ut pharetra eros a venenatis lacinia. Cum sociis natbus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus msent finibus lectus ac ornare maximus.


Duis a est tincidunt, consectetur ex id, mollis tellus. Mauris feugiat elit nec sem
pelntesque egestas at non ante ut molestie.




Sed facilisis dictum blandit. Vivamus eget mauris id quam condimentum hendrerit. Praesent malesuada eleifend tincidunt. Donec dignise…




An absolute beast of the charts who chooses to share his gift of trading knowledge in order to help…


Duis a est tincidunt, consectetur ex id, mollis tellus. Mauris feugiat elit nec sem
pelntesque egestas at non ante ut molestie.


Suisque metus erat, malesuada, Nibh nonces pulvinar leo.